A few more dates and a few more extremely sleepy days at
work came beyond Valentine’s Day, and I thought things were actually going
somewhere. Again, I hadn’t boarded the
train to ‘Till Death Do Us Part’ station just yet. But I was definitely optimistic about where
things were headed. And optimistic about
soon introducing him to my friends! But
then the other shoe dropped. More time
lapsed between texts, no future plans were set up. One day I sent him a text asking how his day
was, to which I received a response, which was good. I responded to his response, but that was the
last communication for over a week, which was definitely not good. Oh, but it gets worse!! After no calls, no texts, nothing for 8 days
(but who was counting?), he finally sends a smoke signal. Okay, so it was a text message, but smoke
signal would have been really cool! This
is what the text said – 

“So Peyton’s going to be a Bronco. I hate to say it, but the donkeys might
actually look good next year.” Um,
EXCUSE ME?!?! A solid week of radio
silence and THAT is what you choose to say???
No “Hey, sorry I haven’t talked to ya in while… how have you been?” OR “I know I kinda disappeared there, but how
are you?” Not only were you missing tact
and courtesy, but you call my beloved Denver Broncos the DONKEYS and expect a
civil response?!?! I could have even
taken the slight stab at the Broncos had it been preceded by some sort of
apology for being completely absent for a week.
Now I know that I was in no way his girlfriend, and
there was no commitment outlined or discussed.
But am I nuts for thinking that after enough dates that I lost count (I
figure that has to be more than 8 or 9, at least), and a number of intimate
occasions (a.k.a. more than just 1) that we might actually be what they call
“dating”? And that “dating” implies that
it is somewhat rude to leave someone hanging for more than a week? He had slept over, after all. Am I crazy for assuming that it is not
socially acceptable to not contact someone you are “dating” for over a
week? So my response… No response at all. Believe me, it took pretty much every last
ounce of self control and restraint I have in my entire body. But I did it.
Or rather I didn’t do it, I didn’t text back. And I still haven’t texted back, and it’s
been over a week since his ridiculous “donkeys” text. I’ve been patting myself on the back for 11
days now.
I think what very well may have helped me was lunch with an
ex, of all things. We had a brief
relationship about 5 years ago, which ended very amicably. I realized we just weren’t meant to be. He was a Republican. But even beyond our vastly different
political views, he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. He was terrible at making time for me, and I
felt it. We have, however, remained
friends over the last few years. Not
necessarily close friends, but a lunch here and there, a Facebook wall post
periodically. Well recently a wall post
turned into a lunch. We sat and chatted
about life and what we had both been up to since we last talked, and I asked
him what was going on in his dating world.
He said he wasn’t seeing anyone special, and that the last girl he was
spending serious time with got annoyed that he was always leaving town and had
perpetual weekend plans. When he told me
that, I said “Well, you did that to me all the time too. I remember a time when we were supposed to be
having a romantic night in and you left just after I made dinner to meet your
boss at the Hard Rock in Tampa .” Yes, I’m sure to the average reader this guy
sounds like a serious piece of work… but
he really is a good guy. I then said
“Well, you just haven’t found the woman who motivates you to stay home yet. Nor are you at the point in your life yet
where you’re ready to find her.” That’s
when the light bulb over my head turned on.
Duh, Megan!!! The Firefighter
isn’t ready yet either! Either that, or
I’m just not the one who motivates him.
Or both. But either way, there
was no reason to text him back. When
you’re thinking about someone, when you want to talk to them, want to see them,
you call. Or text, or whatever. Something.
But no contact in over a week? I
obviously wasn’t on his mind. And that’s
not even necessarily his fault, it just is what it is. So why prolong the inevitable? There really isn’t a point in continuing down
a path that lead to nowhere. Don’t get
me wrong, he still crosses my mind. Do I
hope to randomly run into him downtown somewhere, someday? Ideally while on the arm of a fabulously
handsome, successful, well dressed man with more hair than he has? Yes.
But I’m not banking on it.

So unfortunately, the firefighter who had definitely lit my
fire for a few months there has subsequently put that fire right out. He was hot, he was fun, he was well
traveled. But he and I just weren’t
meant to be. And lunch with an ex
couldn’t have come at a better time to show me that. Alas, it’s back to the drawing board. Luckily, there are more prospects on the
horizon… :-) Online dating can be quite
beneficial that way. We shall see what
the next round has in store for me!
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