So I’ve reached the conclusion that one of two things is going to result from all of this “dating”. I’m either going to end up meeting the man of my dreams, marry him, have beautiful children and live happily ever after, OR… I will slowly lose my mind and end up in a straight jacket in a little white room with padded walls reciting Shakespearean poems to myself and professing my love to non-existent birds who I think are flying above me. Dating is maddening!!! I had only been exposed to this kind of frustration in small doses before, as I’ve honestly never dated more than one person at a time. Essentially, I’d be single for awhile, then meet someone, then end up in a 2 year relationship with them. I think I can remember all of 2 first dates EVER that didn’t turn into a second date, and in turn, a long term thing. This whole eHarmony situation has essentially turned everything I knew on its side. God bless all of my friends (you all know who you are!) who are forced to sit and listen to my rants and attempt to talk me off the ledge. I have no problem admitting I am completely ridiculous when it comes to this dating stuff. How can you not be? But I do know people in real life who are able to accomplish this task without sacrificing sanity. Of this, I’m extremely jealous.
I think the hardest pill for me to swallow is all of the waiting. I am a naturally impatient person. The waiting begins with the whole eHarmony process. I’m waiting to see if the next communication has come though, waiting to see what they said. Waiting for Guffman, Waiting for Godot, and most poignantly, Waiting to Exhale. Then comes the part where phone numbers are actually exchanged. Oooooh!!! But as good of a sign as that may be, it just results in MORE waiting. Waiting for him to call or text for the first time, then once he does, waiting for idle chit chat to turn into “So would you like to have dinner?” And of course there’s the waiting between texts… The texting is a conundrum in and of itself. I suppose it’s just the way my generation communicates, but it’s like men are allergic to talking on the phone. They will text and text and text, about everything under the sun, but can’t hold a phone conversation for longer than about 4 minutes 45 seconds. It’s not like they can’t hold a conversation at all. The ones I’ve had face to face time with are perfectly conversational in person. But the whole act of holding a phone up to one’s ear and speaking into it seems to be terribly problematic. Now, in all honesty, I’m all about texting. It allows me to multi-task. I can watch TV, check emails, shop, put on makeup, use the bathroom, and complete various household chores and all the while hold a witty, fascinating conversation via text. But every once in a while, it does get old. Especially after a text conversation that’s been going on for close to 3 hours. I will give some credit to Alan, 34,Lake Mary . At least he sent a text that said “I’ll give you a call in a few so I can ask you to dinner. I wouldn’t want to ask you out over text, that would be a douche move for sure!” I wonder if I’m going to end up needing a new cell phone earlier than I normally would because I’m likely to wear this one from the constant “checking”. And how much time am I wasting with all of this phone checking? If I were to add up the minutes spent refreshing email, checking for texts, watching the phone for a blinking light notification of some sort, would it be hours? I probably could have spent those hours being productive. I’d probably be 15 lbs thinner if I spent those hours on the treadmill. I tell myself, “Megan, the light isn’t blinking. If there were a new text, a missed call, or an email, the light would blink.” Yet I have to pick it up, press the tiny button at the top to wake it up, then slide the ‘screen locked’ message down so it opens to the home screen. The unlocking of the screen is actually even excessive. By waking the phone up I can see the notification icons in the upper left hand corner. If there isn’t a little chat bubble, or an envelope, or a red phone I’m not missing anything. But no! I can’t trust the phone! The phone may be trying to deceive me. Because it obviously has a mind of its own, intelligent thought and free will, and the ability to be just as conniving as a human. I’m sure it’s in cahoots with the DVR, working out an evil plot for my eventual demise. See what I mean? Nurse Ratched, is it time for group yet?
I think the hardest pill for me to swallow is all of the waiting. I am a naturally impatient person. The waiting begins with the whole eHarmony process. I’m waiting to see if the next communication has come though, waiting to see what they said. Waiting for Guffman, Waiting for Godot, and most poignantly, Waiting to Exhale. Then comes the part where phone numbers are actually exchanged. Oooooh!!! But as good of a sign as that may be, it just results in MORE waiting. Waiting for him to call or text for the first time, then once he does, waiting for idle chit chat to turn into “So would you like to have dinner?” And of course there’s the waiting between texts… The texting is a conundrum in and of itself. I suppose it’s just the way my generation communicates, but it’s like men are allergic to talking on the phone. They will text and text and text, about everything under the sun, but can’t hold a phone conversation for longer than about 4 minutes 45 seconds. It’s not like they can’t hold a conversation at all. The ones I’ve had face to face time with are perfectly conversational in person. But the whole act of holding a phone up to one’s ear and speaking into it seems to be terribly problematic. Now, in all honesty, I’m all about texting. It allows me to multi-task. I can watch TV, check emails, shop, put on makeup, use the bathroom, and complete various household chores and all the while hold a witty, fascinating conversation via text. But every once in a while, it does get old. Especially after a text conversation that’s been going on for close to 3 hours. I will give some credit to Alan, 34,
Why can’t dating be like it is on TV? I know, I know… the last blog was all about how I want my life to be like a movie, and now I’m wishing it were like TV. But the TV is on right now and Sanders just went on a date on CSI. It’s like they are just handing me this material! So he met a chick in the lab, got her number, called her that night and took her out for drinks. Minus the time spent between dirty martinis one and two, no waiting! How awesome is that?? And the next day he tells Stokes all about how beautiful and smart she is. Do you think that Ryan, 36,
I probably shouldn’t blame my psychosis just on the men… or the diabolical cell phone. I will always give credit where credit’s due, and I have to give myself some here. I do a fantastic job of driving myself crazy. Let’s take the whole John, 31, Oviedo situation for example. John sends me one of those Icebreaker thingies. I think he’s pretty cute, and his profile is well written (Grammar, people!! It’s BIG!), and he happens to like Workaholics – which is one of the funniest shows on TV right now. So I respond and we start the whole process of ‘Guided Communication’. After a few days, we reach Stage 4 – the email phase. He’s seemingly perfect over email! He states that he thinks I’m (and I quote) “extremely attractive”, and talks about how he was raised by his mom and sister so he has essentially been bred to be respectful of women and very chivalrous. This guy even offered to iron for me, as I stated I despise ironing, and detail my car. Really? Let’s just skip the dating and get married now! So in classic Megan fashion, I’m hooked before we even meet. After about a week of more emails wherein he tells me he enjoys the theatre and just saw the touring Cirque Du Soleil show, is generally the clean cut and well kept guy in his group of friends, and loves dogs, we exchange numbers. He tells me in an email that he’ll definitely give me a call soon and that he’s very excited to hear the sound of my voice. “I have to say, I kinda like you already and we haven’t even met!” he writes. Now I can’t hear (or read, in this case) something like that and not go a little loony with excitement. So let the phone checking commence! The weekend passes, no call. So I write a quick little email on Monday that says “Hey, hope you had a good weekend! Sorry it was so rainy and you didn’t get to golf, that stinks! Just wanted to drop you a quick line, as I’m sure we’ll chat soon enough. I’ll forego the lengthy email. :-)” So I get a response stating work has been absolutely nuts, but would I like to grab a bite over the weekend? Then something vague about calling as soon as he gets a break from the madness at the office. Yeah, madness at the office… how about the madness I’m experiencing on my couch because you’re keeping me in limbo, dude! Well I finally get a break from my personal mental break-down (or should I say, Erin finally gets a break from me calling her and whining, re-reading her every bit of written correspondence asking her to analyze each email for spots where I may have gone wrong) when he calls and makes plans for the upcoming Saturday. PHEW! So let’s fast forward to ‘The Date’… Suffice it to say, it was weird. Um, excuse me, what happened to the guy that wanted to iron for me? Couldn’t wait to hear the sound of my voice? The guy I was having dinner with was tough, sarcastic. I’m cool with sarcastic, believe me. Even though I’m NEVER sarcastic myself. Nope, never. But it’s like this person was completely different than the one I was exchanging sweet, sensitive emails with. Half the conversation that evening consisted of “Well yeah, but all you women are crazy.” Granted, I’m writing an entire blog about how I’m not quite right, but he didn’t know that! And even if we are all crazy, you’re not supposed to tell us to our face on a first date! That might just guarantee that the first date is your last date! So one would think that after dinner I’d be pretty much done and ready to write this one off… but nooooooo! Give me more of your confusing, not-very-chivalrous behavior, John! Pretty please! And then, of course, I spent the next three days reliving the evening to anyone who would listen to get their thoughts on whether or not he’d call again. I’d like to go ahead and take this opportunity to publicly apologize to the poor woman at the MAC counter at Macy’s who had the unfortunate luck of working the day I needed new mascara. I know you were just doing your job, asking me how I was doing. You didn’t expect to unwittingly get sucked into my world of delusional dating distress. I really did appreciate your considerate nods and smiles!
So if any of you are gamblers, I’d get an over/under started on whether or not I find ‘him’ before they cart me away. Right now, I’d say the odds are pretty even! But then again, I did just extend the eHarmony membership for another 6 months… At the very least I figure I’ll provide some entertainment on my quest for true love! So even if I turn into ‘Girl, Interrupted’, I’ll leave behind some smiles and laughter. As I’m sure you’ve gathered thus far, no luck in this quest as of yet. But in all seriousness, I’ve met some decent guys too. Apparently we just weren’t meant to be, and that’s fine. I had some great dinners, and great conversation! They just aren’t as fun to write about. :-)